How to Add Resume on Linkedin (Step by Step)

Linkedin is the most useful social networking site in the world. You can use Linkedin for professional networking, career development, display your resume and look for jobs.

In this article, I will show you, How you can add a resume on LinkedIn? Let’s Begin.

1. First, Visit and on the Top Heading Bar, Click on Jobs.

linkedin dashboard

2. Now Search for your favorite job and click on the job Title and Once Job Page is open, Click on Easy Apply.

job easy apply

3. Now you see your contact info, update this and click on Next.

apply job

4. In this section, You see Resume option, Please Upload your resume and click on Next. (Upload your resume in DOC, DOCX or PDF Format, File Size Not More Than 2 MB)

upload resume

5. Next, You see some Addition Question (According to job requirements) Please fill this and click on Next.

additional job question

6. Finally, check your every section carefully and Submit Your Application.

submit job application

In this way, you can add your resume on Linkedin.

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